
    Guidelines for Submission

    Last updated: 04-09-2024

    Guidelines for the submissions under the “Samvidhan Katta” Initiative

    The “Samvidhan Katta” initiative aims to encourage citizens to engage deeply with the Constitution of India by sharing their experiences and insights. Submissions should be thoughtful, well-researched, and based on real-life interactions or experiences joined in their informal gatherings, community west up etc while dealing with constitutional principles. Below is a structured outline to guide participants in preparing their submissions.

    1. Word Limit and Format

    • Word Limit: Submissions should be between 1,000 to 1,500 words.
    • Format: Submissions should be in a formal tone, clear, and easy to understand for both laypersons and experts.
    • Language: Submissions can be in English, Hindi and also in regional languages.
    • Font and Size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, with 1.5 line spacing.

    2. Submission Themes

    • Submissions must be based on real-life interactions emanating from their community discourses on the aspects enshrined in the Constitution of India.
    • Participants are encouraged to reflect on how constitutional principles have impacted their day-to-day lives or the lives of others, focusing on the themes of justice, equality, and liberty.
    • The stories shared reflect how the Constitution of India permeates in the everyday lives of all the citizens of India and how they perceive, engage, adapt and act on the aspects of the Constitution and in that process how they make the Constitution a living document as it keeps evolving.
    • Submissions may include, but are not limited to:
      • Personal experiences where constitutional rights were upheld or challenged.
      • Case studies or stories illustrating the Constitution’s role in addressing caste, gender, or other forms of discrimination.
      • Narratives on community initiatives that promote constitutional values.
      • Reflections on landmark Supreme Court judgments and their impact on society.

    3. Structure of Submission

    i. Title: A clear and concise title that reflects the content of the submission:

    ii. Introduction -(150-200 words):

        • Briefly introduce the topic and its relevance to the Constitution of India.
        • State the purpose of the submission and the key themes that will be explored.
        • Body (800-1,000 words):

    iii. Background and Context:

        • Provide a brief overview of the constitutional principles or rights relevant to the submission.
        • Discuss the socio-legal context and its relevance to the real-life experience being narrated.

    iv. Personal or Case Study Narrative:

        • Share a detailed account of the real-life interaction with the Constitution.
        • Highlight specific constitutional provisions or rights involved.
        • Discuss any legal or social challenges faced and how they were addressed.

    v. Impact and Outcome:

        • Describe the outcome of the situation and its impact on the individual or community involved.
        • Reflect on the broader implications for constitutional awareness and social justice.

    vi. Analysis and Discussion (300-400 words):

        • Analyze the experience in the context of constitutional law and principles.
        • Discuss the lessons learned and their relevance to contemporary issues in Indian society.
        • Offer insights into how similar experiences can inform future legal and social actions.
        • Conclusion (100-150 words)
        • Summarize the key points and reflections from the submission.
        • Reinforce the importance of constitutional awareness and engagement.
        • Suggest ways to promote constitutional values in everyday life.

    vii. References (if applicable)

      • Cite all sources used in the preparation of the submission, including legal cases, statutes, and scholarly articles, using a standard citation format (e.g., Bluebook or OSCOLA).
      • Add maximum 2 photographs of the Samvidhna Katta activity at the end of the document (showcasing the group discussion).

    4. Submission Guidelines

    • Submissions must be original and unpublished.
    • Plagiarism and usage of A.I. will result in disqualification.
    • Submissions should be sent in Word or PDF format.
    • Include the participant’s name, contact details, and a brief bio (50-100) words.
    • Entries to be submitted through mail at

    5. Evaluation Criteria

    • Relevance: How well does the submission relate to the themes of the initiative.
    • Insightfulness: Does the submission provide unique insights or perspectives on constitutional principles.
    • Clarity and Structure: Is the submission well-organized, clear, and logically structured.
    • Accuracy: Are the legal references and facts presented accurately.
    • Engagement: Does the submission engage the reader and provoke thought or discussion.

    6. Awards and Recognition

    • Valid entries will receive certificates of recognition.
    • Department of Justice holds the discretion and copyright to use the stories (publishing/launching/posting) in the manner they deemed to be fit.