
    Order of appointment of Shri Justice Sachin Singh Rajput and 01 other Addl. Judge as Addl. Judges of Chhattisgarh HC for a fresh term of one year w.e.f. 16.05.2024 and 02.08.2024 respectively.

    Order of appointment of Shri Justice Sachin Singh Rajput and 01 other Addl. Judge as Addl. Judges of Chhattisgarh HC for a fresh term of one year w.e.f. 16.05.2024 and 02.08.2024 respectively.
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    Order of appointment of Shri Justice Sachin Singh Rajput and 01 other Addl. Judge as Addl. Judges of Chhattisgarh HC for a fresh term of one year w.e.f. 16.05.2024 and 02.08.2024 respectively. 09/05/2024
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