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– Under the Scheme for Action Research and Studies on Judicial Reforms, financial assistance shall be extended for undertaking action research/evaluation/monitoring studies, organizing seminars/conferences/workshops, capacity building for research and monitoring activities, publication of report/ material, promotion of innovative programmes/activities in the areas of Justice Delivery, Legal Research and Judicial Reforms.
The objectives of the scheme are to promote research and studies on the issues related to the National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms being implemented by the Department of Justice.
Projects/Activities eligible for financial assistance:
Financial assistance shall be given to the eligible implementing agencies by the Department of Justice for the following projects/activities in the fields of Justice Delivery, Legal Research and Judicial Reforms:
- To undertake action research I evaluation studies.
- To organise seminars I workshops/ conferences.
- To undertake capacity building activity for research and monitoring activities.
- To undertake publication of report/material.
- To undertake promotion of innovative programmes/activities.
- To undertake any other project/activity for the promotion of issues related to the National Mission to be decided by the Project Sanctioning Committee.
Eligible Implementing agencies
Indian Institute of Public Administration, Administrative Staff College of India, Indian lnstitute/s of Management, Indian Law Institute, National Law Universities, National Council of Applied Economic Research, National Judicial Academy, State Judicial Academies and other reputed institutions working in the field of justice delivery, legal education and research and judicial reforms.
The Project Sanctioning Committee shall be empowered to allow any Government or Government aided Institute/Organisation as eligible implementing agency, if found suitable for undertaking project/activity permissible under the scheme.
Pattern of Assistance
Financial assistance shall be given, on agreed terms and conditions, to the eligible implementing agency on the basis of Project Proposal submitted by such agency indicating the project cost.
The financial assistance may be given in instalments and at least 10% of the project cost may be kept for payment as final instalment on acceptance of the final project report by the National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms, Department of Justice.
The financial assistance would be limited to actual expenditure incurred by the grantee institution, subject to overall ceiling of Rs.25.00 lakhs.ln exceptional cases, however, where the scope of the Project is sufficiently wide, sample size is large and Project is for longer duration, the Project Sanctioning Committee may relax this ceiling.
Project Proposal
The project proposal shall be invited by the National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms, Department of Justice from the selected implementing agencies for identified subjects which shall include following informationas terms and conditions of the project:
- Title of the project
- Name of the implementing agency
- Details of Principal Coordinator (Name, Designation and Research Experience)
- Objectives
- Methodology
- Duration (with specific timelines for initiation of project, submission of interim progress report, presentation before submission of final report and submission of final report)
- Project cost with detailed break up:
Project Sanctioning Committee
All project proposals shall be placed before the Project Sanctioning Committee for consideration and approval. The composition of the Project Sanctioning Committee shall be asunder:
Secretary, Department of Justice – Chairman
Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor, DoJ – Member
Secretary General, Supreme Court – Member
Joint Secretary and Mission Director, DoJ – Member
Joint Secretary, Law Commission of India – Member
Director, lndian Law Institute – Member
Director, National Judicial Academy – Member
Director/Deputy Secretary (National Mission), DoJ – Member Secretary
While considering the proposals from Indian Law Institute (ILI) and National Judicial Academy (NJA) , the Directorsof the concerned Institute / Academy shall recuse from deliberations of Project Sanctioning Committee in respect of their proposals.
Procedure for Approval of the Project
The invited Proposals from the selected institutes/organisations on the identified subjects shall be placed before Project Sanctioning Committee for consideration and approval. The decision of Project Sanctioning Committee shall be final and binding. The approved Project Proposals shall then be submitted to the Integrated Finance Division of Ministry of Law and Justice for approving the project/s and release of funds. Each instalment shall be released on the approval of IntegratedFinance Division.
Utilisation Certificate
The implementing agency shall be required to submit Utilisation Certificate, as prescribed by the Department of Justice, for the funds received from the Department of Justice for undertaking the project.
Dispute Redressal
Any dispute relating to any project shall be decided by the Secretary(Justice) and MissionLeader, National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms, Department of Justice, which shall be binding on the implementing agency.
(Sd/-) Deputy Secretary to the Government of India