

    1. Question:- whether Government proposes to constitute more Fast Track Courts (FTCs) for speedy disposal of cases

      Answer:- Setting up of subordinate courts including Fast Track Courts (FTCs) comes within the domain of the State Governments. The FTCs are set up by the concerned State Government in consultation with their respective High Court as per need and resources. The proposal of Union of India for strengthening the judicial system in States which included, inter-alia, establishing 1800 Fast Track Courts for cases of heinous crimes; civil cases involving senior citizens, women, children, disabled and litigants affected with HIV-AIDS and other terminal ailments and civil disputes involving land acquisition and property/rent disputes pending for more than five years was endorsed by the 14th Finance Commission. The Commission urged the State Governments to use the additional fiscal space provided in the form of enhanced tax devolution from 32% to 42% to meet such requirements.

    2. Question:- whether the Government proposes to set up Family Courts in districts with a population of one million or more

      Answer:- As per the Family Courts Act, 1984, Family Courts are established by the State Governments in consultation with the respective High Court as per their need. Section 3(1) of the Act is reproduced below:

      (3) Establishment of Family Courts:- (1) For the purpose of exercising the jurisdiction and powers conferred on a Family Court by this Act, the State Government, after consultation with the High Court, and by notification:-

      • shall, as soon as may be after commencement of this Act, establish for every area in the State comprising a city or town whose population exceeds one million; a Family Court;
      • may establish Family Courts for such other areas in the State as it may deem necessary.

      Setting up of subordinate courts including Family Courts (FCs) comes within the domain of the State Governments. The FCs are set up by the concerned State Government in consultation with their respective High Court as per need and resources. Government sent a proposal to the 14th Finance Commission for  setting up of Family Courts so as to provide for at least one Family Court in each district in the country. The number of Family Courts required to be established in a State was arrived at so as to provide for, on an average, at least one Family Court in each district in that State or the number of districts without Family Courts reported by the respective High Court, whichever was higher. The Finance Commission endorsed the proposal to strengthen the judicial system in States which includes, inter- alia, establishing Family Courts. The State Governments are urged to use the additional fiscal space provided by the Commission in the tax devolution to meet such requirement.

    3. Question:- Whether Department of Justice has framed Citizens’/Clients’ Charter
      Answer:- Yes. This has been uploaded on the Website of Department of Justice.