
    Justice Clock

    Last updated: 13-03-2025

    Justice Clock

    Justice Clock To make effective use of database created through National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) and to make the information available to public, LED Display Message Sign Board System have been installed. The purpose of Justice Clock is to bring awareness to the public about justice sector, advertising the various schemes of the department and to give status of various fields to the public. The electronic signage system is measuring approximate 10×7 feet, provides information about disposal by courts, various schemes and services offered in the court complexes and to give status of various fields to the public and other information through which the citizens can benefit.

    The schemes of the Department of Justice and how citizens can benefit from the projects such as eCourts, Access to Justice and Legal Aid to Poor are displayed on the Clock. Information regarding top district courts which disposed highest percentage of cases for 2 years, 2-5 year and above 10 years old court cases and other information through which the citizens can benefit such as legal aid programs and access to justice schemes is displayed on the Justice Clock.

    A total of 39 Justice Clocks are functional in 25 High Courts. An amount of Rs. 13 lakhs has been sanctioned by e-committee for each Justice Clock.

    Click to view Virtual Justice Clock at Gujarat High Court: