
    Information, Education & Communication (IEC)

    Last updated: 13-03-2025

    Information, Education and Communication (IEC)

    Information, Education and Communication (IEC)

    As part of IEC campaign several initiatives have been taken to educate the Judicial Officers, lawyers and public about the facilities available under eCourts Project, such as

    eCommittee Website

    Launched exclusively for the e-Committee and linked to the website of the DoJ for dissemination of information relating to eCourts Project amongst all stakeholders and to enable High Courts to upload their achievements and best practices.

    YouTube Channel

    Under the title ‘eCourts Services’ for video tutorials oneFiling.12 help videos in 7 regional languages have been uploaded apart from Hindi and English and circulated for advocates as part of awareness, through eFiling portal help desk and also on social media through eCommittee YouTube channel.

    Awareness and familiarization of e-filing

    Webinars for Bar Council of Tamil Nadu, Goa, Maharashtra and Delhi were held.Manual and Brochure on eFiling is made available on eFiling Portal.

    eCommittee Training at National and State level

    Training and awareness programmes on the ICT have been conducted covering nearly 6,75,572 stakeholders including Judges of States, Courts staff and Advocates. 25 Master Trainers have been trained in each High Court who in turn has already trained 5409 Master Trainers across the country. These, 5409 Master Trainers have in turn imparted training programme on eCourts Services and e-filing in each district of the country for advocates in their regional languages and also identified Master Trainer Advocates. e-Committee has acknowledged and appreciated Master trainers by issuing Digital certificates with QR Code for online verification by hosting certificates on eCommittee website. These certificates can be authenticated by scanning QR Code from mobile.