Allocation of Business Rules 1961
- Appointment, resignation and removal of the Chief Justice of India and Judges of the Supreme Court of India; their salaries, rights in respect of leave of absence (including leave allowances), pensions and travelling allowances.
- Appointment, resignation and removal, etc., of Chief Justice and Judges of High Courts in States; their salaries, rights in respect of leave of absence (including leave allowances), pensions and travelling allowances.
- Appointment of Judicial Commissioners and Judicial officers in Union Territories.
- Constitution and organisation (excluding jurisdiction and powers) of the Supreme Court (but including contempt of such Court) and the fees taken therein.
- Constitution and organisation of the High Courts and the Courts of Judicial Commissioners except provisions as to officers and servants of these courts.
- Administration of justice and constitution and organisation of courts in the Union Territories and fees taken in such courts.
- Court fees and Stamp duties in the Union Territories.
- Creation of all India Judicial Service.
- Conditions of service of District Judges and other Members of Higher Judicial Service of Union Territories.
- Extension of the Jurisdiction of a High Court to a Union Territory or exclusion of a Union Territory from the Jurisdiction of a High Court.
- Legal aid to the poor.
- Administration of Justice.
- Access to Justice, Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms.