
    Pan India Legal Literacy & Legal Awareness Programme (2021-2026)


    Department has formulated a coherent scheme on Access to Justice titled as “Designing Innovative Solutions and Holistic Access to Justice (DISHA)” for the period of 2021-2026. DISHA aims to consolidate four programmes that include: – Tele-Law; Nyaya Bandhu; Nyaya Mitra; Legal Literacy and Legal Awareness with a component on Information Education and Communication (IEC) including Technology. The key objectives of DISHA are;

    i. Conceptualization of DISHA to redefine the policy framework, vision document and action plan.

    ii. Enriching the Quality of Legal aid to the Marginalized through Tele-Law; Pro Bono and Nyaya Mitra programme and

    iii. Raising Legal Awareness through Legal Literacy and Dedicated Information, Education and Communication (IEC) on Access to Justice Initiatives.

    About Pan India Legal Literacy and Legal Awareness Programme

    One of the key objectives is the expansion of North Eastern and Jammu & Kashmir Project Legal literacy and Legal Awareness programme to Pan India Legal Literacy and Legal Awareness programme. This programme envisages a multi-stakeholder, progressive and transformative approach that would integrate innovative ideas, tools and simplified methodology to enable vulnerable sections to key information and awareness on legal rights, entitlements and relevant laws that includes;

    i. Use of Technology for expanding the scope and delivery of Legal Literacy and Legal Awareness.

    ii. Mainstreaming Legal Literacy through building and forging partnerships across Ministries and allied Departments, Institutions, Schools etc.

    iii. Capacity building and utilization of existing grassroot/ frontline workforce/ volunteers.

    iv. Developing indicators to measure effectiveness of Legal Literacy and Legal Awareness Programmes.

    v. Concurrent evaluation and periodical assessment of Legal Literacy and Legal Awareness Programmes.